personal details
Doctor's name Maha Alali
Primary major Assistant Professor of Psychology and Psychological Counseling
Experience 9+ years

Social media

Personal Biography

Personal biography: Writer, psychotherapist, and pioneer in mental health and self-development in the Arab world.

He is considered one of the most prominent cognitive and behavioral psychotherapists accredited in the Arab world and the world.

He gave many lectures, seminars and training programs in several Arab countries.

He participated as a lecturer, judge and moderator in many international scientific conferences.

He presented and developed the study and teaching of various psychological science programs in the police, criminal and judicial fields.

He is followed on his official site by nearly five million followers interested in psychology, mental health, personal and human development.

Consultant psychotherapy, mental health and addiction treatment.

– A psychotherapist certified by the Egyptian Ministry of Health.

Founder of CET

Founder of the PISP Psychiatric Immunology and Self-Protection Program

– President of the Arab Academy for Psychological Sciences AAPS

Gulf Medical Centers